This page will tell you how to lose belly fat. Belly fat is the common problem now a days in each household. Sometimes it makes so uncomfortable for man or woman in a special occasion. The belly fat also increases the chances for acidity, constipation and reduces metabolism in our body. People find it very difficult to lose fat belly because there is not much awareness in the society for controlling , reducing or effective tips to lose belly fat.
Reduce your belly fat in 21 days
- It also started from your digestive system. When you think that your digestion is fair enough and whatever you eat has been digested well, so I want to tell you that it is not the case all time. There is one rule for eating food and that is the food should contain properties like watery, high fiber, high protein and rich vitamins. You cannot find all those properties in a single food so when you choose or select what to eat, I suggest you to write down how much content of properties from that food.
- In modern life, do not stick to the chair and only do your work. I suggest you to explore the environment with a 1 hour walk or calories burning running on a daily basis.
- Drink enough water on regular basis to make your body hydrated.
- Junk food is also one of the reason behind your belly fat. Because these foods not digested well in our stomach.
- Eat food which contain in high fiber, high proteins and vitamins
- Drink enough water on regular basis
- Do not eat Junk food or fast food. If you love to eat this then I suggest you to reduce a frequency of eating junk/fast food
- Do exercise daily to regulate stomach veins.
- Drink Ash Gourd juice to remove all waste from your stomach.
![Ash Gourd](
Top Foods to Reduce Belly Fat
When it comes to losing weight or belly fat it is important to choose the right type of food.
Foods that burn Belly Fat
- Eggs: These are great sources of protein which are effective in helping you feel full. you can consume it in the form of boiled egg or just add into your salad.
- Almonds: These tasty nut from the nut family are rich in vitamin E, protein and plenty of antioxidants.
- Soy: Soy is also a great source of protein and helps to reduce belly fat. A soy protein shake can definitely help you to lose weight by helping to increase your metabolism process.
- Berries and Apples: Berries and apples are also great for reducing belly fat and helping your metabolism. These are great sources of fiber which promote a healthy digestive system and metabolic rate.
- Yogurt :Yogurt is also a great way to help enhance your digestive system and clear your skin. yoghurt contain good bacteria which enhances digestion.
- Green vegetables :Green vegetables are perfect for containing calcium. Green salad and vegetable soup is also ideal for you to try out if you are serious about losing your belly fat.
- Choose to whole grains: Whole grains are the good choice for lose the belly fat. You can use wheat, barley, sorghum, pearl millet or any other variety. These are rich in fiber and having important nutrients that helps to keep the digestive tract clear. On the other hand refined carbs ,fried items ,baked items , to take something away their nutritional value which can only result in gradually increase of calories.
- Dinner before the sun goes down: One of the major reasons for belly fat accumulation is consuming much more calories during evening . During day time, your body is having an ability of digesting food . this is because that insulin is more effective. Insulin is a hormone that helps to break down the food into glucose and get wholly engaged by cells as energy. As the day goes on, insulin effectiveness becomes low. Therefore, when one eats too much processed foods, refined food ,fried foods in the evening, it can be difficult to digestion and result in belly fat accumulation.
- Stay away from sugar: Limiting sugar intake or stay away is one of the best ways to lose weight and beat belly fat. And when it comes to take or less sugar intake, avoiding carbonated sugary drinks , soft drinks is the main step as these have been named for a major culprit for weight gain and obesity. most of the study says that excessive intake of these drinks can result in abdominal fat accumulation in children and adults.
- Track your calorie consumption: Although experts no longer recommend calorie counting for weight loss or reducing belly fat, doing so for a week can help set the standards for the long term. This will help one get an idea of what the body really needs and accordingly start following a balanced diet.
Basic Exercises you can do at Home
- Bicycle Crunches: The abdominal muscles are the primary muscles targeted in this exercise. Crunches are a popular and effective exercise that helps to target the ab muscles. Just make sure you are doing it correctly and regularly.
- Sit-ups: The sit-up is an abdominal training exercise to strengthen, tighten and tone up the abdominal muscles.
- Flutter kicks: Flutter kick exercises helps to shed the excess fat from the hips, thighs, and belly areas. It is an excellent cardio exercise that not only helps lose weight but tone up your lower body muscles as well. With regular practice, it helps improve your posture, add flexibility and improve continued existence as well.
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